Importance of Translation in E-commerce: Boost Your Online Sales

Importance of Translation in E-commerce: Boost Your Online Sales

E-commerce has revolutionized how we shop, breaking down barriers and allowing businesses to reach a global audience. However, to effectively reach customers in different countries, businesses must offer content in their native language. In this blog, we will explore the importance of translation in the e-commerce industry through relevant data and statistics.

  1. According to a report by Common Sense Advisory, 75% of consumers prefer to buy products in their native language. This indicates that businesses must effectively offer translated content to reach customers in different countries.

  2. E-commerce sales worldwide are projected to reach $6.54 trillion by 2023, up from $3.53 trillion in 2019, according to Statista. This highlights the significant growth potential of the e-commerce industry and the importance of catering to a global audience.

  3. In a survey conducted by CSA Research, 40% of respondents said they will not buy products or services in a language other than their own. This indicates that offering content in a language other than the customer's native language can significantly impact sales.

  4. The same survey found that 65% of global consumers prefer content in their native language, even if it is imperfect, over content in a language they don’t understand. This highlights the importance of offering content in a language that the customer is comfortable with.

  5. A study by CSA Research found that e-commerce sites that offered content in multiple languages had a 166% higher conversion rate than sites that only offered content in one language. This indicates that offering translated content can increase sales and revenue growth.

  6. According to a report by TranslateMedia, the most commonly translated content for e-commerce sites are product descriptions (89%), user reviews (72%), and product names (59%). This highlights the importance of translating key content that can impact a customer's purchasing decision.

  7. Another study by TranslateMedia found that providing translated product information and reviews can lead to a 73% increase in sales for e-commerce businesses. This further reinforces the importance of offering translated content.

  8. A report by CSA Research found that companies that invest in language services, including translation, see a 30% increase in market share and a 40% increase in revenue growth compared to companies that do not invest in language services. This highlights the significant impact that translation can have on a business's growth and success.

  9. According to a study by CSA Research, only 18% of the world’s online population speaks English as their first language, highlighting the importance of offering translated content to reach a global audience.

  10. In a survey by the European Commission, 42% of consumers said they never buy products or services online in a foreign language. This highlights the need for businesses to effectively translate their e-commerce content to reach customers in different countries.

In conclusion, offering translated content is crucial for e-commerce businesses to reach a global audience, increase sales and revenue growth, and gain a competitive advantage. By investing in Language services, including translation, businesses can cater to the needs and preferences of their customers and establish themselves as a reputable and trustworthy brand in the global market.

You can write to me at to learn how we can help your e-commerce business grow in the foreign market and increase sales.